22.1 Legacy Series / PPPoE Issue
« on: July 12, 2022, 09:49:46 pm »
Hi everyone,
I'm new to OPNsense and trying to configure a PPPoE connection on my instance. The modem is a standard ISP Zyxel router configured in bridge mode. I have no problems connecting over PPPoE with either Fortigate or Sophos XG devices, but OPNsense is unable to do so.
From the logs below I can see that my user credentials are being accepted, that an IP is being assigned (my static IP) and that the assigned gateway IP is correct. However, following that, the link drops and goes into an endless re-connect loop.
Having read a lot of forum posts, I have tried the following, but nothing has been successful:
- Using a switch inbetween OPNsense and the modem.
- Forcing the MTU to 1492.
- Configuring the interface MAC to match a device that will connect.
- Rebooting the device to check connection immediately after reboot.
I'll also add that my ISP are a relatively small regional company in the UK and tend to do things slightly differently to the major players.
My OPNsense box is a ESXi VM, with passed through interfaces. Version is OPNsense 22.1.2_2-amd64
If someone could point me in the right direction to resolve this I'd appreciate it. The logs below were taken immediately after reboot.
I'm new to OPNsense and trying to configure a PPPoE connection on my instance. The modem is a standard ISP Zyxel router configured in bridge mode. I have no problems connecting over PPPoE with either Fortigate or Sophos XG devices, but OPNsense is unable to do so.
From the logs below I can see that my user credentials are being accepted, that an IP is being assigned (my static IP) and that the assigned gateway IP is correct. However, following that, the link drops and goes into an endless re-connect loop.
Having read a lot of forum posts, I have tried the following, but nothing has been successful:
- Using a switch inbetween OPNsense and the modem.
- Forcing the MTU to 1492.
- Configuring the interface MAC to match a device that will connect.
- Rebooting the device to check connection immediately after reboot.
I'll also add that my ISP are a relatively small regional company in the UK and tend to do things slightly differently to the major players.
My OPNsense box is a ESXi VM, with passed through interfaces. Version is OPNsense 22.1.2_2-amd64
If someone could point me in the right direction to resolve this I'd appreciate it. The logs below were taken immediately after reboot.
Code: [Select]
2022-07-12T20:16:40 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
2022-07-12T20:16:40 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 2
2022-07-12T20:16:36 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 2 in 4 seconds
2022-07-12T20:16:36 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Down event
2022-07-12T20:16:36 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: DOWN event
2022-07-12T20:16:36 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE connection timeout after 9 seconds
2022-07-12T20:16:27 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
2022-07-12T20:16:27 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 1
2022-07-12T20:16:23 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 1 in 3 seconds
2022-07-12T20:16:23 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerStart
2022-07-12T20:16:23 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Stopped --> Starting
2022-07-12T20:16:23 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Down event
2022-07-12T20:16:23 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: DOWN event
2022-07-12T20:16:23 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: connection closed
2022-07-12T20:16:23 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerFinish
2022-07-12T20:16:23 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Stopping --> Stopped
2022-07-12T20:16:21 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendTerminateReq #3
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerDown
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendTerminateReq #2
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Closed --> Initial
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: Down event
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Closing --> Initial
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] Bundle: No NCPs left. Closing links...
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerFinish
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: Down event
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Stopped --> Closed
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: Close event
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Rename interface pppoe0 to pppoe0
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Down event
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Notice ppp-linkdown Removing stale PPPoE gateway 212.<redacted> on inet
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerDown
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendTerminateReq #4
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Opened --> Closing
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: Close event
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan] Bundle: Status update: up 0 links, total bandwidth 9600 bps
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: Leave bundle "wan"
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Opened --> Stopping
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: peer not responding to echo requests
2022-07-12T20:16:19 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: no reply to 5 echo request(s)
2022-07-12T20:16:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: no reply to 4 echo request(s)
2022-07-12T20:15:59 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: no reply to 3 echo request(s)
2022-07-12T20:15:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: no reply to 2 echo request(s)
2022-07-12T20:15:39 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: no reply to 1 echo request(s)
2022-07-12T20:15:29 Informational ppp [wan] error writing len 12 frame to b0: Network is down
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Rename interface ng0 to pppoe0
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Up event
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Add route 212.<redacted> failed: File exists
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] 194.<redacted> -> 212.<redacted>
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerUp
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR 194.<redacted>
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Ack #3 (Ack-Sent)
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR 194.<redacted>
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #3
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] 192.<redacted> is OK
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR 192.<redacted>
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #2 (Ack-Sent)
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: LayerFinish
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Req-Sent --> Stopped
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: protocol was rejected by peer
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: protocol IPV6CP was rejected
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #250 (Opened)
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #2
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Reject #1 (Ack-Sent)
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR 212.<redacted>
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigAck #221
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] 212.<redacted> is OK
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR 212.<redacted>
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Request #221 (Req-Sent)
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #1
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: Up event
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #1
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: Up event
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: LayerStart
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Initial --> Starting
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: Open event
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerStart
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Initial --> Starting
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: Open event
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan] Bundle: Status update: up 1 link, total bandwidth 64000 bps
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: Join bundle "wan"
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: Matched action 'bundle "wan" ""'
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: authorization successful
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: rec'd SUCCESS #206 len: 4
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: sending RESPONSE #206 len: 28
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: Using authname "<username>"
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Name: "JUNOS"
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #206 len: 41
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerUp
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: auth: peer wants CHAP, I want nothing
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x51bcef40
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PROTOCOMP
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #1 (Ack-Sent)
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x020c328f
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigAck #249
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x020c328f
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #249 (Req-Sent)
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x51bcef40
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PROTOCOMP
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #1
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Up event
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: UP event
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: connection successful
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp PPPoE: rec'd ACNAME "IC2.<redacted>"
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
2022-07-12T20:15:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 1
2022-07-12T20:15:08 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 1 in 1 seconds
2022-07-12T20:15:08 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Down event
2022-07-12T20:15:08 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: DOWN event
2022-07-12T20:15:08 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE connection timeout after 9 seconds
2022-07-12T20:14:58 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
2022-07-12T20:14:58 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerStart
2022-07-12T20:14:58 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Initial --> Starting
2022-07-12T20:14:58 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Open event
2022-07-12T20:14:58 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: OPEN event
2022-07-12T20:14:58 Informational ppp [wan] Bundle: Interface ng0 created
2022-07-12T20:14:58 Informational ppp web: web is not running
2022-07-12T20:14:58 Informational ppp process 19808 started, version 5.9