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Messages - hmronline

ok, got this working by doing this:

* Go to Interfaces, Assignments.
* Add a new Interface, select the parent interface you use for the existing VLANs (vtnet0 in my setup). In Description field you can put anything, ie PARENT.
* Go to that new Interface (PARENT), check the "Enable Interface" option, and Save it.
* Now click the red/orange "Apply changes" button and that's it. Everything is working as expected.

I've later removed this unnecessary Interface and it continued working fine until I've rebooted.
It seems you can not delete this PARENT interface to keep everything working properly.

I do not fully understand why this PARENT interface is now required (even though hardware features are disabled in Interfaces/Settings and no other settings are applied into that interface) and why it is not fixed in the upgrade scripts, so it would be great if someone could further explain.

Thanks again!
I've had OPNsense properly working with version 21.7.8, which is installed as a VM in a Proxmox Environment.
I have a couple of VLANs (parent interface properly set) and almost no firewall rules set other than NAT related rules and WAN inbound traffic block.
Again, everything was working fine with v21.7.x.

After upgrading to 22.1 communication between VLANs is not working properly, as follows:
* Internet access is OK, meaning: communication is started from host on VLAN A and goes into the Internet through WAN interface.
* Ping/ICMP test is ok from host in VLAN A to another host in VLAN B.
* TCP connection on port 443 from same host in VLAN A to same host in VLAN B is not working and therefore timed out.
* Any other TCP port behaves the same, and are not working. Tested with netcat.
* Enabled logging of firewall rules and no blocked communication is shown. In fact tests are shown as PASS en Live View.
* Tried adding inbound/outbound allow all firewall rules and it is still not working.
* Reverting back to version 21.7.8 (from a Proxmox Backup) makes everything work OK again.
* Upgrading once again to 22.1.x with no configuration changes ends with the same result: no communication is possible on TCP ports between VLANs.

Haven't found anything related on changelog, nothing on recent posts on this forum, and haven't read nothing that I'm aware of that can produce the results mentioned above.

Hopefully this issue is something really simple to solve but I'm not being able to determine what is causing it, so here I am searching for help.

Thanks in advance!