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Messages - Yameless

I am running a second hand thin client, HP T730, very affordable, it has a single card slot populated with a Intel I340 4 port Nic (you want the I350 if you want to virtualize)  it routes my near 1gig connection (850-950 cable depending on the day)  with with the CPU hardly breaking a sweat.

But I am not running any packet inspection or intrusion detection, from my understanding that is a more CPU intensive task.
21.1 Legacy Series / Re: Update 21.1.5 Failing
May 15, 2021, 07:39:04 PM
I would try switching the mirror you are using, it is possible the copy on the mirror you are currently using is corrupted, switching mirrors will give you access to a different copy of the file.

Go to System > Firmware > settings tab > mirror