23.7 Legacy Series / Re: OpenVPN CSO what happened to custom_options
« on: January 09, 2024, 08:46:57 am »
Hi everybody,
in the old "Servers" menu, we use the "Advanced" section a lot:
in the old "Servers" menu, we use the "Advanced" section a lot:
Code: [Select]
learn-address "/usr/local/sbin/openvpn.learn-address-nsupdate.sh";
push "dhcp-option DOMAIN lan.domain.com";
push "dhcp-option DOMAIN-SEARCH lan.domain.com";
push "dhcp-option DOMAIN-ROUTE lan.domain.com";
push "dhcp-option DOMAIN-ROUTE .";
push "dhcp-option DOMAIN ~.";
Especially the custom "learn-adress" script and "dhcp-option DOMAIN ~." are essential for us. Is this old "Servers" going to stay, or how we can achieve those custom options with the new logic behind "Instances [new]"?