20.7 Legacy Series / Re: radvd stops announcing IPv6 prefix after a while (radvd freeze?)
« on: December 25, 2020, 09:05:35 am »For those just joining the party, see https://github.com/opnsense/core/issues/4338#issuecomment-732397405
Thank you for the pointer.
The opnsense-patch 9a4a908 applied cleanly to OPNsense 20.7.7_1-amd64 and rtadvd is running since 15+ hours after reloading the WebUI and restarting the Router Advertisement Daemon manually, but executed no reboot so far, to avoid loss of connectivity and BGP route flaps upstream.
Now keeping an eye on it as rtadvd approaches the 20 hours mark whereabout radvd got stuck, started to fill the router log with its messages, and required a restart.