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Messages - Dougle

Tutorials and FAQs / Setup SSL VPN site to site tunnel
October 20, 2018, 08:05:04 PM
I followed the "How to" for the above.
How do I test and troubleshoot this, as Connection Status on both ends has Remote Host empty and 0 bytes transferred?
Thanks for the Reflection settings, which made all the difference here. Nicely done.
Enabling NAT reflection seems to have solved my port forwarding issue :-)) but I'd still like to know how best to monitor traffic from OPNsense to my LAN?
Tutorials and FAQs / See traffic from firewall to LAN
October 20, 2018, 03:44:58 PM
I'm new to this and replacing a working firewall, as I need the VPN and scheduling capabilities of OPNsense. I'm having issues getting https to my Lan from a domestic router, so I "unblocked private networks". The previous firewall forwarded TCP 443 fine to a server on my Lan. I've followed various tutorials and faq but getting nothing, so I'm trying to find any traffic from the firewall to my LAN.
If I'm looking at Reporting > Insight > Details, I see some traffic for Interface Lan, but if I change the (src)  Address to my WAN address, there is none.
Does that suggest my setup is blocking all from the internet to my LAN?
If so, is it ok that my WAN static IP subnet is 24, or should it be 32?
Any other things to check, before we look at my NAT port forward?