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Messages - Alwaysin

I meant LDAP on Nextcloud side !
The backup feature of OPNsense to Nextcloud doesn't know how to deal with LDAP accounts on Nextcloud, but this is not a problem, I've created a local user on Nextcloud.
Thank you all for for putting so much efforts into helping me, much appreciated :)

So I retried everything to make sure:

- created a dedicated local user "opnsense-backup" on my nextcloud
- logged in as said user, created an app password

- went to OPNsense, checked "enable", user name as previously created user, password as given to me by nextcloud, directory name opnsense-backup

And it works!

But I retried again with my LDAP account and it does not work. I think it is because Nextcloud gives the user a random set of character when you bind it to LDAP such as "A1F54823-801A-4R3D-A2C3-B93657CE5310", which appears in the username column but still you have to login with the login of LDAP. And the folder that has to be accessed with webdav is the random-characters string, not the LDAP fancy username.
Hi Qinohe, sorry for the wrong terminology, I meant what is called the "Backup Directory", which is a subdirectory of the main directory that is the name of the user.

I've followed exactly the steps as described here but I'm still facing this communication failure :(

Does it matter if the user already exists and is used not only for OPNsense backup? Or it the user is an LDAP account?
Quote from: fabian on October 07, 2018, 10:09:40 PM
No, I've just upgraded mine to v14 and it still works. From your log I think your path is wrong (maybe a subdirectory instead of root?)

Yes I have to specify a subdirectory, which I've created on my user space.


I also have trouble creating backups on Nextcloud. Maybe it's due to 14.x version?

The following input errors were detected:

communication failure

Relevant log files:

Oct 7 21:26:45 config[4588]: {"url":"https:\/\/\/remote.php\/dav\/files\/blabla\/","content_type":"application\/xml; charset=utf-8","http_code":404,"header_size":1229,"request_size":192,"filetime":-1,"ssl_verify_result":0,"redirect_count":0,"total_time":0.638179,"namelookup_time":3.8e-5,"connect_time":0.002203,"pretransfer_time":0.019544,"size_upload":0,"size_download":228,"speed_download":357,"speed_upload":0,"download_content_length":-1,"upload_content_length":-1,"starttransfer_time":0.638121,"redirect_time":0,"redirect_url":"","primary_ip":"<removed IP>","certinfo":[],"primary_port":443,"local_ip":"<removed ip>","local_port":45690}
Oct 7 21:26:45 config[4588]: Error while fetching filelist from Nextcloud