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Messages - Professor_Rat

I will definitely implement this rwtsk8 and retool my OpnSense for the PS and see how it works out. Then I'll see if I can get Xbox working as well. I had Pfsense working and fairly secure; but as mentioned It had terrible update break everything, so OpnSense will be my new setup. Also is it ok to turn IP6 back on or should I continue to leave it blocked and disabled?

I agree with you on not letting the tech. have it's way on a network. Mine is a home net with a overkill setup that I want to improve on may try to get my hardware to 10GB once I get my routing and firewall issues ironed out.. I have OpnSense on a dedicated box with a Gigabit+ certified Cable modeml DOCIS 3.0 . 😀

My WiFi is a Unifi AC PRO series unit and a control unit. (consumer gear just stunk) plus 3 dumb Gigabit 8 port pro netgears that have kept on trucking for me.

Again thanks for the help and guidance rwtsk8. Will post up again once I can make changes; testing on weekends when famly/company is coming usually is not the time to tweek the router lol.

Hello guys I'm on version 18.1.4 (moving to 18.1.5) having a similar issue on Xbox and PC issues trying to use Xbox Live Services Strict NAT.
Managed to get My Xbox to Open with no UPNP and a static port rule under nat with a Static IP.
PC's running Windows 10 (ew) Xbox app still busted on a Strict NAT and Server Status Blocked.
On Opensense fresh install with few rules as mentioned.
Looks like I will have to static and UPNP most my game consoles as my PS Switched to Nat Type 3 after I got my Xbox functional on its Nat. IP/Firewall in freeBSD type desto's seem to love causing game issues it seems and wanted to know if you could help Sir. rwtsk8 like you were helping bigshorty. Link to my original post below if you have the time to glance it over.

I do work on Technology and am still trying to find my nitch in the job sector as I learned Networking/CISCO, Windows Desktop, and Windows Server; getting around usually is not a issue. But since moving off psSense it's been a rocky road for my home network as I like to run custom gear and not off the self consumer stuff. Adding the above line to my existing post as well.
Hello all I am extremity new here and thanks for taking the time to read over my issue and here is some background info on myself and the issue I am having.

I do work on Technology and am still trying to find my nitch in the job sector as I learned Networking/CISCO, Windows Desktop, and Windows Server; getting around usually is not a issue. But since moving off psSense it's been a rocky road for my home network as I like to run custom gear and not off the self consumer stuff.

I recently made the decision to dump pfSense as it was giving me headaches every time it updated and it started to block my computers running anything Xbox or Xbox Live related thus my change to Opnsense as it was excellent fork to switch to given pfSense's over commercialization of the OS/Source code.

On that subject I am going to list things I have used before to give everyone a idea where I am at; some I uses while they were young distributions others were more mature.

Sophos UTM Home Edition

My big question is is there a way to go into the Firewall/Packet filter to allow the game consoles and PC's to get to XBOX Live without breaking everything else or causing a big security hole. I do have UPNP; but it is used sparingly on the game systems only.

My previous setup had a static port for Xbox and static address, so the packet filter and NAT did not effect the Xbox One traffic; but it would continue to block bad inbound traffic. UPNP was Deny unless static IP was used. My PC was never affected by pfSense on Xbox Live. More then likely Opnsense blocks something that was not blocked before. 

I did run tests on Opnsense with only UPNP on\static IP only; but my NAT/Network on both XBOX Live on PC and XBOX still give Strict/Blocked.

Tried some firewall rules and NAT rules like my old build; but no luck on that end. Got Screenshots of both my PC and XBOX One.