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Messages - mike99

I should have read doc first. Also tryed to install via serial image with "installer" and "opnsense" and it didn't work so looed at the doc and finally use the CLI, option 8 and after, "opnsense-installer". Work fine.
Thank for your answer. We where able to make it work but choose OpenVPN instead. It was finally more appropriate for our need.
I followed this guide and tinc won't start:

My config
Name = mynetworkname
Network =
PingTimeout = 5 (Default)
Cipher = aes-256-cbx (default)
Debug = 2
Hostname = mynetworkname_mylocation
Ext. Address = a.b.c.78 (my WAN IP address)
Ext. Port = 655 (default)
Subnet =
Private key = gen
Public key = gen

When I go to dashboard and try to enable tinc, it just won't start. I don't see it ether via cli (ps aux).

Log is no help. No info unless I set it to max and nothing understandable, most shown is hexa.

When I try to start it via CLI:
root@OPNSenseVPN:~ # service tincd onestart
Starting tincd
Cannot open config file /usr/local/etc/tinc/tinc.conf: No such file or directory
Failed to read `/usr/local/etc/tinc/tinc.conf': No such file or directory

Can't find the config with find:
root@OPNSenseVPN:~ # find / -name "tinc*"

Not sure whe're it's wrong. I would like to compare the config file with tinc doc but since I can't find the config file. On which name the config should be generated ?