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Hyper-V Reboot no network access
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Topic: Hyper-V Reboot no network access (Read 13093 times)
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Hyper-V Reboot no network access
February 23, 2016, 01:06:14 pm »
we use Opensense 16.1.3 under Hyper-v 2012 R2.
When we reboot opensense the network did not work (after an updatge). We must halt the system switch off and on. After this procedure the network is running.
What is wrong configured in our environment?
Thanks for help.
Hero Member
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Re: Hyper-V Reboot no network access
Reply #1 on:
February 23, 2016, 01:39:35 pm »
Never experienced that before.
Can't really imagine what the problem might be.
Just to verify some things:
- Which type of network adapter do you use?
- Which Integrated Services are enabled?
Hobbyist at home, sysadmin at work. Sometimes the first is mixed with the second.
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Re: Hyper-V Reboot no network access
Reply #2 on:
February 23, 2016, 02:27:17 pm »
as network adapter we selected "Network Adapter" under Hyper-V. (not Legacy network adapter)
and the network adapter are hn0 and hn1.
Integrated Services:
we used the Integrated Services from the OS. nothing installed additional.
Enabled under advanced Integration services are all.
Hero Member
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Re: Hyper-V Reboot no network access
Reply #3 on:
February 23, 2016, 03:03:48 pm »
That all looks fine to me.
With the integration services I meant the ones in the VM settings, sorry for the confusion.
FreeBSD has everything build into the kernel, unlike XEN of VMWare
Do check on the time sync option.
Since OPNsense by default checks to the NTP server online.
I always forget the details with time service, but I have it disables on mine, and let OPNsense check with an internal time server (domain controller).
Hobbyist at home, sysadmin at work. Sometimes the first is mixed with the second.
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Re: Hyper-V Reboot no network access
Reply #4 on:
February 23, 2016, 09:48:32 pm »
Did this also happen on 15.7.x, or did you start from 16.1? Sounds like the following issue is what you're seeing, but we were fairly sure 16.1.3 fixed it:
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Re: Hyper-V interface names change on reboot
Reply #5 on:
March 07, 2016, 04:08:46 pm »
We're experiencing the same issue with a fresh install from the latest ISO, updated to 16.1.5 a few minutes ago. In fact, troubles only happen with Hyper-V hosts with several network interfaces, as interface names are randomized at each startup. This means a single interface may be named hn0 on first boot, then hn3 or hn2 on the next one, and so on... As a consequence, OPNsense applies the network configuration to the wrong interface.
I don't know why this happens, but it's still present in the latest version of OPNsense and makes it totally unusable with any Hyper-V VM with more than one NIC.
Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 04:11:11 pm by marin
Hero Member
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Re: Hyper-V Reboot no network access
Reply #6 on:
March 07, 2016, 05:00:47 pm »
That sounds very strange, as you attach the vNic to a VMSwitch.
There is nothing hardware based in that stage, all virtual.
Never seen anything like that before.
I don't run a cluster at home and I started a new job last week.
At the old job I could have given it a try myself as I had two clusters there...
Hobbyist at home, sysadmin at work. Sometimes the first is mixed with the second.
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Re: Hyper-V Reboot no network access
Reply #7 on:
March 11, 2016, 01:05:17 pm »
My Hyper-V installation broke with the last update this this week too.
I can ping outwardly from the console but no web traffic is being routed through from the internal network. I need to investigate more fully but thought I would confirm I am seeing simliar to other Hyper-V users
Hero Member
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Re: Hyper-V Reboot no network access
Reply #8 on:
March 11, 2016, 01:58:45 pm »
I updated this morning before going to work, but haven't tested it yet.
If what Goodron says is correct, it means a patch fell out which fixed this issue a couple of weeks ago.
Hobbyist at home, sysadmin at work. Sometimes the first is mixed with the second.
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Re: Hyper-V Reboot no network access
Reply #9 on:
March 11, 2016, 09:22:12 pm »
Well, everything is running just fine here.
OPNsense 16.1.6-amd64
FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE-p13
LibreSSL 2.2.6
On Hyper-V 2012 R2 Free.
Hobbyist at home, sysadmin at work. Sometimes the first is mixed with the second.
Hero Member
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Re: Hyper-V Reboot no network access
Reply #10 on:
March 11, 2016, 10:50:45 pm »
Could this be another case of Hyper-V devices switching places? That's really annoying. There have been no changes in the Hyper-V guest code.
Hero Member
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Re: Hyper-V Reboot no network access
Reply #11 on:
March 11, 2016, 10:58:51 pm »
No clue. I am wondering which version of Server/Hyper-V people are running.
Shouldn't make a difference, but best to rule out everything.
Hobbyist at home, sysadmin at work. Sometimes the first is mixed with the second.
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Re: Hyper-V Reboot no network access
Reply #12 on:
March 11, 2016, 11:53:34 pm »
I have 4 nic's and all appear to be labled correctly, but no traffic will pass. I haven't had time to tonight but intend to see if I can work through it tomorrow.
This Windows version is 2012r2 Essentials and has worked pretty flawlessly with OPNsense until the 16.1.6-amd64 update. Although I did see the same effect in a previous OPNsence v15 update around Christmas time as described by weust earlier.
Hero Member
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Karma: 57
Re: Hyper-V Reboot no network access
Reply #13 on:
March 12, 2016, 12:16:00 am »
Goodron, those versions had issues caused by FreeBSD, not OPNsense.
And specific to FreeBSD 10.2. An error found back in October, that wasn't patched till early this year.
Anyway, since the 16.1 is running the patched 10.2 FreeBSD version, you shouldn't have any issues.
It-works-for-me(tm) :-)
What does your dmesg say on the network adapters?
I only use two. One for WAN and one for LAN.
Could try to add a third tomorrow and see how it behaves then.
Are you people with more then two NICs also have more then two VM Switches?
And is VLAN tagging used?
Hobbyist at home, sysadmin at work. Sometimes the first is mixed with the second.
Hero Member
Posts: 650
Karma: 57
Re: Hyper-V Reboot no network access
Reply #14 on:
March 12, 2016, 11:09:42 am »
I added a Internal VM Switch to my Hyper-V setup, added a third NIC to the OPNsense VM and booted just fine.
Then I added the NIC in OPNsense, and enabled it.
Rebooted, and now typing this.
It keeps working for me it seems.
Hobbyist at home, sysadmin at work. Sometimes the first is mixed with the second.
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Hyper-V Reboot no network access