Load Balancing

Started by ian_sycamore, November 20, 2015, 06:15:58 PM

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Hi There,
I was wondering if anyone could assist me with the setup of load balancing within OPNSense. Was wondering if it is possible to configure the load balancing so that we can set the percentage of broadband between our ISP's. Our office has Virgin and a couple of slower ISP's. What we want to do is create a load balance whereby 60% of the load is handles by the Virgin connection and the rest is distributed among the other two ISP's. Any help would be gratefully appreciated

Hi there,

Any chance that anyone has any information regarding this matter? 47 people have viewed this and no response as yet, surely an administrator has read this and could give me a simple yes or no?

I'm not an administrator, just a home user, but you might be able to do what you want with some of the information in these articles: https://www.google.fr/search?q=%2Bpfsense+%2B%22load+balance%22+%2Bisp&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=J7BdVvzQFseSabaClZgF

or this: https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Multi-WAN


Specifically, in the pfsense docs phoenix has pointed to, in the config of each Gateway, under "Advanced Options" you can assign a "Weight".  So to get a 60% : 20% : 20% distribution, I guess you'd weight them 3 : 1 : 1.

so how would this work for 4 or 5 WAN ports.

i assume 3, 1, 1, 1 would result in 70%, 10% , 10% ,10%

Thanks in advance

Someone who knows how the weights are evaluated could say with more authority than me.  Assuming it's just straight arithmetic, no, 3 : 1 : 1 : 1 is 50% on the first line and the other 50% distributed among the remaining.  Since you can only assign a weight between 1 and 5 to a line, it may not be possible to apportion bandwidth ratios exactly.  But, for example, 50% may be close enough to your desired 60% to be good enough.

For a five-line setup, again with 60% on the first line and the other 40% distributed among the remaining, I think the closest you could get would be 5 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1.  If you could assign a weight of '6' to the first line then the ratio would be exact.