15.1.10 i386 VGA trouble installing

Started by mitsos, May 11, 2015, 04:57:36 AM

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Hi all,

I'm having a hard time getting 15.1.10 i386 VGA installed on a p4. Image verified to be downloaded OK (checksums match).

When inserting the USB stick and booting off it, trying to proceed to the installation gets stuck just after the blue "Booting..." text (where it's supposed to have loaded the kernel and it's trying to boot off it).

Tried with ACPI disabled through the BIOS, tried it with it being disabled from boot options as well.

Any ideas?


Tried a 15.1.8 VGA image and that boots fine. Will try updating to the latest version through that.

Ehhh, Demetris, did you have a serial cable attached or not? Did you observe via VGA all the time?

No serial cable attached, VGA all the time. That's what I suspected, that maybe the -serial and -vga images might be reversed in the new version.

15.1.8 booted up fine, installed fine, upgraded fine. I haven't tested 15.1.9 yet, maybe in the next box that gets converted  ;). For now, something is wrong with the 15.1.10 i386 VGA image for sure.

The serial images stop outputting to VGA directly after booting although they remain somewhat operational in that general area. I am guessing it booted up ok but you did not see that.

If VGA is available (and used) the VGA image is the most appropriate. :)


That's what I used: The VGA image for a VGA boot. But I suspect that something is wrong with the VGA image, it might be mixed with the serial image, meaning even though the image I downloaded was for VGA output, it was in fact outputting to the serial console instead, that's why it was appearing to be stuck after loading the kernel and trying to boot from it. If memory serves right (been a few years since I last had to use a serial image) that's the behavior seen when booting using a serial image.

As I said, 15.1.8 VGA image works fine. Haven't tested 15.1.9 VGA. 15.1.10 VGA is problematic.

May 11, 2015, 05:46:07 PM #6 Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 05:49:12 PM by franco
Ah ok, let me check what changed for images between .8 and .10.

Hi mate, currently in the Netherlands for our monthly meetup. Haven't forgotten this. :)