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Multiple Xbox 1 on NAT with PnP


Reading up the forums and Googling for how to do this comes up with nothing much that actually works.

I found this article that says the instructions were removed but nothing replaced it (https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=3521.0).

I then found this which got me to get PnP working but NAT is still showing Strict no matter what I do. Please help, I will put together a proper tutorial if we can figure this out so others can have access to it and work on keeping it updated.

So far this is what I got...
Static IP for Xbox
Installed os-upnp
In UPnP and Nat-PMP Settings I have the following:
* Enabled
* Allow UPnP Port Mapping
* Allow NAT-PMP Port Mapping
* External Interface - WAN
* Interfaces (generally LAN) - LAN
* Set 1 [allow 0-65535 0-65535]Under NAT -> Outbound I have the following:

* Source Address - Single Host or network -" & "Static Port - Checked"I changed my IPs to 0's ... Any help here will be greatly appreciated.

Not sure how to close,  just realized I put his in the Documentation area. Please close this out.


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