Outbound NAT on LAN interface fails after upgrade to 18.7

Started by MdB, August 13, 2018, 04:15:09 PM

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An outbound NAT rule, containing Aliases, for the LAN interface no longer works after upgrading to 18.7.
It works as intended again after replacing the aliases with literal port numbers and host IPs.

Known bug?

I use aliases for hosts and that is working fine for me.

I'm not using any ports aliases though.

Same problem here after the update to 18.7:
I've got an outbound-NAT-rule using a port-alias containing the two port 80 and 443 as the destination-port. The automatically generated rule in /tmp/rules.debug begins with a "#" so it's commented out. When I remove the alias and use a single port (80 or 443), the # disappears.

As a workaround I cloned the rule for each of the aliases ports.

Is this problem already fixed? If so, in which release (or is it necessary to apply a patch manually)?

Maybe this was a fix?

18.7.2, Sept. 6
o firewall: return alias types to repair its outbound NAT rule edit
o firewall: alias API is now live on the development version and will migrate your aliases to the new format

Is this a confirmed bug?
I'm unable to have an alias as destination on my NAT outbound rule.
I have this to do this in order to route certain sites (specified in an alias) route to vpn gateway.

I'm experiencing this in 18.7.8, had to change port alias to port number before Port Forward rule worked again.

Quote from: franco on November 26, 2018, 09:21:05 AM

>Is it the latest version?

Yes, I'm running latest. I want to route traffic to certain websites (defined in an alias) to my VPN provider.
So, as far as I know I have to make an NAT Outbound rule. But if I choose destination "<my_alias>" it gives error "A valid destination must be specified"

As test I have an alias with "watismijnip.nl, checkmyip.org" in it.  (type URL(IP's) )

Hope you can look at it. Thanks.