Short Version:Give your XB1 (or PS4, same process required) a static IPInstall/Enable UPNP Set "User Specified Permissions" to "allow 88-65535 10.1.1.x/32 88-65535", where 10.1.1.x is the static ip of the XB1/PS4Firewall>NAT>Outbound - Set to Hybrid/Manual rule generationCreate a rule with the following set: "Source Address - Single Host or network - 10.1.1.x" & "Static Port - Checked"Thank you so much. Please disregard my previous message, I had to reboot my entire OPNsense box for the changes to take but I am good now.Do a hard-reboot of your XB1/PS4 (shutting it down and pulling the power for 2 mins will do"You should now have a NAT Type of Moderate (XB1), or Type 2 (PS4).
Short Version:Give your XB1 (or PS4, same process required) a static IPInstall/Enable UPNP Set "User Specified Permissions" to "allow 88-65535 10.1.1.x/32 88-65535", where 10.1.1.x is the static ip of the XB1/PS4Firewall>NAT>Outbound - Set to Hybrid/Manual rule generationCreate a rule with the following set: "Source Address - Single Host or network - 10.1.1.x" & "Static Port - Checked"Do a hard-reboot of your XB1/PS4 (shutting it down and pulling the power for 2 mins will do"You should now have a NAT Type of Moderate (XB1), or Type 2 (PS4).
Quote from: blackdwarf on June 02, 2018, 08:52:01 pmShort Version:Give your XB1 (or PS4, same process required) a static IPInstall/Enable UPNP Set "User Specified Permissions" to "allow 88-65535 10.1.1.x/32 88-65535", where 10.1.1.x is the static ip of the XB1/PS4Firewall>NAT>Outbound - Set to Hybrid/Manual rule generationCreate a rule with the following set: "Source Address - Single Host or network - 10.1.1.x" & "Static Port - Checked"Do a hard-reboot of your XB1/PS4 (shutting it down and pulling the power for 2 mins will do"You should now have a NAT Type of Moderate (XB1), or Type 2 (PS4).UPnP is a pretty bad security risk unless there's been some recent mitigation I'm not aware of. It effectively lets any LAN host open whatever port they want on the firewall. I've run without UPnP for years using Meraki gear and have open NAT on two Xbox One's, only specifying the needed ports for the devices. OPNSense is also a stateful firewall just like my MX64; there's no reason why you can't get open NAT without effectively putting your XB1 in a DMZ and without UPnP.
Any updates to these instructions as it doesnt seem to work for me? Still strict.