English Forums > Web Proxy Filtering and Caching

Squid access log over syslog


Trying to make squid logging over syslog.
There is a config in the UI to switch on syslog for squid.
I added a remote syslog server in the system settings.
Still not seeing any access logs remotely.
Does any of these config options:

--- Code: --- System events
 Firewall events
 DHCP service events
 DNS service events
 Mail service events
 Portal Auth events
 VPN (PPTP, IPsec, OpenVPN) events
 Gateway Monitor events
 Server Load Balancer events
 Wireless event
--- End code ---
need to be activated? Nothing looks like proxy.
I enabled system events to validate the remote logging works at all and it does.
Any hints?
thanks, Till

Did you find out how?
I am in the exact same situation. External logging works, but no Webproxy logs.

I search also for such a solution.

I always used this as option in my squid.conf:

--- Code: ---access_log udp://
--- End code ---

Unfortunatly there are no option to add custom options to squid.conf and also no possibility to specify IP/Port in the settings. I can just select between (File, File (Extended) and Syslog).
Syslog is already forwarded but it seems to not forward the squid stuff.

This was answered on GitHub: https://github.com/opnsense/core/issues/3609



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