60001 8797 1208768 queue 10017 udp from any to dst-port 6010-6016 via em360002 13956 16872512 queue 10009 udp from 6010-6016 to any via em3[...]60019 13922 16826624 queue 10007 ip from to any via em360020 4 320 queue 10012 ip from any to via em3
Ok, but in that case you're not matching any default traffic (i.e. that doesn't match any other queue).As fair as I understand traffic not matching any rule at all will bypass all traffic shaping; meaning shaped traffic will have to compete 1:1 with unshaped (default) traffic.This is what we're trying to avoid.
Problem is; at least in the case where (suspected) Multi-WAN is enabled, the traffic flows through both queues: A matched one and then the default catch-all, with one_pass set to 1.I checked with the output of ipfw show, and the stats for both rules increase.