Some events are not being pushed to syslog from eve.json. Could not find out why, but found a solution to push everything from eve.json to elasticsearch (as i see, you are using it as well).Install filebeat on opnsense host and change filebeat.yml to point to logstash using this guide: logstash:beats { type => "Suricata" port => 5044 codec => json }filter { if [type] =~ /^Suricata/ { mutate { add_tag => ["Suricata"] remove_tag => ["beats_input_codec_json_applied"] replace => {"service" => "Suricata"} } }}output {if [type] == "Suricata" { elasticsearch { hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"] index => "suricata-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}" } }}Hope it helps.Cheers