Seemingly Simple Plugin

Started by rhyse, February 05, 2018, 11:31:56 PM

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I am trying to create a simple plugin that takes a variable then outputs the output to the screen. I have tried bastardising teh arp-scanner plugin but seem to have got stuck (I am not a programmer/developer by any means)

Essentially I would like something similar to the traceroute / ping options under Interfaces -> Diagnostics.

But I can't find those under the opnsense/plugins git. If you want to look at my intial very poor attempt you can find it here .

Any chance to get the code for the ping / traceroute "plugins" ?

Once I have the intial command one working , I can potentially look at adding checkboxes etc for the variables

Basically , I need a portscanner and os identifier (will look at extending this)

Any help is appreciated


so you need nmap?
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OPNSense Units: R720XD XL, R720XD XL, R720XD, R720XD, R710, DL360G7, QNAP

The ping code uses static pages, which you shouldn't use to build new components: more code, hard to maintain, no API.

Michael's blog has numerous step-by-step tutorials for building new plugins:

For more see the "OPNsense" tab.



In short yes,  for now. but there is a longer term aim of getting something like openvas into the system (note I dont know how feasible that is).

But baby steps for now

Franco - I will reread that link


Ok, just to keep people updated. I haven't progressed any further on this due to time constraints. Primarily work related

So a not so simple question, what is the possibility of someone picking this up ? One option would be to convert the ping / traceroute pages static pages into default "plugins" - I could then "learn" from that (please note I am not a delveloper in any shape or form) and move forward from there

Other option is anyone willing to do this at a resonable cost (be it direct or via donation to the project)

I am thinking something similar to the pfsense nmap lugins options in the gui, but it could be as simple as a dns name or ip address to input initially.

I know MasterXBKC has attempted this, but has come across some blockers. I appreciate his efforts.

Apologies if this is not the way to go via this. If it is can someone please direct me to where I should be looking (i did google opnsense coders)


You can use the code that MasterXBKC provided manually no problem and go from there.

It's in here...
