How to create single WAN and multiple LAN(ste0 and ste1) for internet access

Started by o.olukunle1, August 24, 2017, 08:43:27 PM

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Dear Sir,

Have been facing a lot of challenge getting this part resolved.

I have successfully setup my OPNsense server. Currently i can reach the internet with my WAN interface and also my LAN (ste0) can also give our DHCP and connected systems can browse. But my greatest challenge is the other LAN interface (ste1) the connection status is face down and no internet traffic on it. i actually want to use the other LAN interface (ste1) to manage wireless users.

i will appreciate if anyone can help.


Olukunle Tosin.


Hi Olukunle,

Have you enabled the interface and set a static IP address?

You will also need to add firewall rules to the third interface explicitly. You can set an allow all rule for initial testing before restricting your wireless clients.


Thank you very much for your mail. I have done that. All the interfaces are enables and static ip fixed on them.

Check the firewall rules tabs, the native "LAN" will have automatic rules for clients being able to access all networks, but the "OPT1" will not. Add the pass rules that you need there.


Thank you very much for your mail. I am very new to OPNsense. I will appreciate if you can guild me on how to go about this. Thanks.

It's literally go to Firewall: Rules: OPT1. The rule list should be empty, so create a new one by clicking "add" and hit save at the bottom. That will get you started, but then you want to probably refine your settings.