Google Compute Engine VM Install

Started by bvwj, May 01, 2017, 03:36:08 AM

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May 01, 2017, 03:36:08 AM Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 06:33:57 PM by bvwj
I feel like I am getting pretty close.  It has been a struggle.  I loaded OPNsense 17.1 into VirtualBox to generate an image.  I have the image created and transferred to gcp.  GCP recognizes the image an boots the VM.  I have the serial terminal running to monitor the boot.  Unfortunately I don't get a menu at the end of booting.  Also SSH fails.

I didn't assign any interfaces in VirtualBox because I knew they would change when it booted on GCP.

My goal is to get it running on the low cost micro instance.

Can you provide any clues from this log?  I'll share the image if I can get it working.

                 /  __  |/ ___ |/ __  |                       
                 | |  | | |__/ | |  | |___  ___ _ __  ___  ___
                 | |  | |  ___/| |  | / __|/ _ \ '_ \/ __|/ _ \
                 | |__| | |    | |  | \__ \  __/ | | \__ \  __/
                 |_____/|_|    |_| /__|___/\___|_| |_|___/\___|
--Log cleared because it wasn't important.

Is there a way to connect to an interactive serial console so that you can login via serial?  If you do you should be able to assign/configure the interfaces, then once you have network connectivity you can SSH in.

The console is interactive already.  I can navigate the first menu just fine.

The current problem is I never get the second menu.

Are you trying to run this from a f1-micro?  I might have some time to see if I can get it going.

My current results are from an f1-micro instance.  Low cost is my goal.

I have worked through several gce issues to get this far, I could use some help getting across the finish line.

It appears I can share my current image if you want to bring up your own instance.  I think I need your Google based email address to authorize you to use the image.

I may be closer to one issue.  Every time I modify /etc/ttys it gets overwritten on the next boot.  This happens in VirtualBox and GCP. 

How can I get etc/ttys changes to stick?

May 02, 2017, 04:57:23 PM #7 Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 05:05:18 PM by weust
Forget the original post. If you don't have NICs then there is no point in trying.
You will need NICs first before you can do anything at all.
Get that, and you have WebGUI and SSH working.

Does Google Compute Engine support FreeBSD?
Your boot log tells me it doesn't.

Original: You need a different file for that. The OPNsense file that overwrites those kinds of file you're editing.
Fitch will know which one.
Hobbyist at home, sysadmin at work. Sometimes the first is mixed with the second.

I have the serial comm and Web GUI up and running after a few additional changes.

My biggest problem was following the advice here:

Possibly this worked in version 15, but it took me way off track getting version 17 to run.