Installing kernel error after rebuild

Started by superduke1010, February 27, 2025, 12:01:02 AM

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Hello all....turns out my RAM or SSDs were fried on my Topton (other post with widgets etc).  Changed them out and did a bare metal install.  All is well except when I try and update to 25.1.1 I get the following.  Have never seen that before.  Any help would be appreciated.  thanks

Currently running OPNsense 25.1.1 (amd64) at Wed Feb 26 17:54:10 EST 2025
Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...
OPNsense repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...
OPNsense repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Checking for upgrades (122 candidates): .......... done
Processing candidates (122 candidates): . done
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Your packages are up to date.
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Nothing to do.
Checking all packages: .......... done
The following package files will be deleted:
The cleanup will free 27 MiB
Deleting files: .......... done
All done
Nothing to do.
Starting web GUI...done.
Fetching base-25.1.1-amd64.txz: ........... done
Fetching kernel-25.1.1-amd64.txz: ...... done
!!!!!!!!!!!! ATTENTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! A critical upgrade is in progress. !
! Please do not turn off the system. !
Installing kernel-25.1.1-amd64.txz.../usr/local/sbin/opnsense-update: tar: not found
 failed, tar error 0

It looks like it can not find the tar utility, which is a core one. It should be there, causing to wonder what else might be missing.
So perhaps you still have hardware problems. The storage (disk) maybe? What does a health check give?

February 27, 2025, 12:18:27 AM #2 Last Edit: February 27, 2025, 12:21:25 AM by superduke1010
Oh dear....a TON of missing files under the health

Not sure why it would still be a hardware issue necessarily with the RAM and storage both brand spanking new....did a clean install (although I did revert to UFS instead of ZFS because I only had one drive) but I don't think a config refresh after an install impacts that does it?  Thanks for the quick reply.

Edit: SMART test of new drive passes

you can still use ZFS with only one disk.
No, a restore of the config will not affect the OS files, but it needs them to work ;)

Certainly pointing to a fried Topton box at this point.  Now I have to figure out which mini pc I want to chance now!