PS5 NON-Stop LAG Spikes.. 80ms to 1500ms to 800 ms to 80 to 2500 etc

Started by fbeye, January 14, 2025, 12:58:23 AM

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With a routeable IP like that, you are not limited, because that is neither CG-NAT nor double NAT. Either your outbound NAT is misconfigured or there is more to PS5 gaming than simple NAT (like UPnP).

Obviously, you even have multiple fixed IPs. What I see in your outbound NAT rules, is in wrong order, BTW: You first map any, then the PS5 rule with static ports. The latter rule will be ignored like that, you must reverse the order.
Intel N100, 4 x I226-V, 16 GByte, 256 GByte NVME, ZTE F6005

1100 down / 770 up, Bufferbloat A

Oh Geeze it has been so long since I've done NAT I totally forgot the hierarchy of NAT Placement. Now that I think of it, being 5.0 is the HOME LAN I don't even bother doing port specific out so just did whole network but now that you mention it wouldn't crating a specific out rule be redundant anyway if the whole network is allowed out?

Well, it does not say NAT:OPEN but I got it to say NAT Type 2 so I guess that is a win.

Complete aside, long shot in the dark: Do you see any fragments in netstat ("Interfaces: Diagnostics: Netstat, Protocol ip" or CLI)? I just read somewhere (that I can't recall) that Playstations can be wacky fraggers (I cannot attest to the accuracy of the assertion).