While reading the document https://docs.opnsense.org/troubleshooting/performance.html I decided to enable RSS (my appliance has got 4x i225 ports and a Celeron J4125, 4 cores) and after reboot I've noticed that the value of net.inet.rss.bits is set to 3: just courious to understand why consdering that before enabling RSS the value was correctly set to 2... Also, I read in the guide that if RSS is enabled with the ‘enabled’ sysctl, the packet dispatching policy will move from ‘direct’ to ‘hybrid’. But not for me as even after rebooting, the dispatching policy is still 'direct', and should I set a tuneable to change that to 'hybrid'? Or would it be better to change that to 'deferred' considering my connection is PPPoE?Tia.
netstat -QConfiguration:Setting Current LimitThread count 4 4Default queue limit 256 10240Dispatch policy direct n/aThreads bound to CPUs enabled n/aProtocols:Name Proto QLimit Policy Dispatch Flagsip 1 1000 cpu hybrid C--igmp 2 256 source default ---rtsock 3 256 source default ---arp 4 256 source default ---ether 5 256 cpu direct C--ip6 6 1000 cpu hybrid C--ip_direct 9 256 cpu hybrid C--ip6_direct 10 256 cpu hybrid C--