The Fortigate stuff is "better in this regard, but do you really want hard coded passwords that people forgot about?
The Fortigate stuff is "better in this regard, but do you really want hard coded passwords that people forgot about?Mine is just my department, but the network person on campus is always impressed by what I can do, as easily as I can do it compared to their Cisco thing-ama-jig. And it costs a fraction of what they pay, way below 10% of the cost per year. But the Cisco is AI powered! Some insurance person checks the box:x - Cisco firewallThen moves on to the next thing that they don't know a thing about.
We have some opnsense firewalls in the field.It lacks some critical features for us to roll it out in a wider context.For example:- better firewall rule ui- an easier way to import basic configuration, a cli would be great for that
Which ui is better in your opinion?