24.1.9 bgp Port open

Started by wirehire, June 19, 2024, 10:23:02 AM

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June 19, 2024, 10:23:02 AM Last Edit: June 19, 2024, 10:36:33 AM by wirehire
 After update to 24.1.9 i ran a port scan, this time a have a open bgp port

179/tcp open  bgp     (open)

i dont the see port on the wan fw rules open?

i dont use bgp .

i have a ip range from a provider. could it be his device what bgp has open, to communicate with his network?

Do you have FRR installed? I think the FRR package on OPNSense is able to auto open firewall ports. If you don't use a dynamic routing protocol like BGP, IS-IS, RIP or OSPF you should be better of removing FRR from the firewall. If you do use for example OSPF then you can uncheck: Routing -> General -> Firewall Rules. Don't forget you then need to manually adjust appropiate firewall rules.