24.1.9 - Web GUI stopped working

Started by ProximusAl, June 18, 2024, 03:21:55 PM

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Hey...no worries.

Thank you for always being here.

I love OPNsense, I love it I tells ya!


Just found a similar problem. My fw1 on my main node did not properly start after a reboot and 24.1.9 applied, I had to restore a backup with 24.1.8, before the reboot, fw1 worked fine. So I leave fw1 on 24.1.8

fw2 on another node run so far, I applied 24.1.9_1 and restart the VM, the system came up and UI initially worked and then died,


helped to restart the GUI. Log of the WebGUI only shows the manually restart of the WebGUI.

In the logs, I found this

/usr/local/etc/rc.bootup: The command '/usr/local/bin/flock -ne /var/run/lighty-webConfigurator.pid /usr/local/sbin/lighttpd -f /var/etc/lighty-webConfigurator.conf' returned exit code '255', the output was '2024-06-19 20:24:00: (/usr/obj/usr/ports/www/lighttpd/work/lighttpd-1.4.76/src/network.c.604) bind() [fe80::be24:11ff:fe1d:b261]:80: Can't assign requested address'

If you need anything specific, let me know. I try my best.

Yes, the explicit IP bind is always prone to race conditions.


Strange, that never happened before and it's a local address.

The warning in the docs exists for a reason. It works until it doesn't (tm).



Could you point me to the part of the documentation?

@franco Thx, I change my config and find another solution. Also thanks for the hot fixes.

Hey franco....

This is more of a "good to know" question, but does this also apply to Unbound?

In fact anything?

I noticed my Unbound was selectively set, so Ive changed that to All too....



Yes, naturally.

I'm not saying a strict binding is bad, but for a dynamic target that's very difficult. A couple of fixed static IPs are not so much of an issue, but we never intended to select VIPs for binding and the plugins don't do it either except for some that offer specific IP binding... which is also complicated because it won't cross-reference if that IP is valid and the service will fail if missing.


I'm experiencing this too, went from 24.1.9-3 to -4 today and still an issue. After every reboot, I have to restart gui from console.

This is a VM on proxmox with 2 PCI NIC passthroughs. Static WAN and IPV4 turned off on both WAN and LAN; 8443 port for OPNsense GUI.

I have a second mini pc unit with similar setup but its been offline for about a wek (haven't upgraded). As other mentioned, GUI log only shows the reboot/shutdowns/restarts.

Copy that, thanks.

For anyone further researching...manually selecting all available interfaces in "Listen Interfaces" under Web GUI portion of administration (GUI doesn't work after reboot) is not the same as unselecting all interfaces, which then shows/displays "All (recommended)" which GUI does work after reboot.

Correct. Though the described loopback approach is much safer if you require explicit single point access.


As I started experiencing the same issue, can someone please explain what happened such that I need to modify the configuration in 24.1.9 to ensure constant web interface access?  Maybe a note about the change should be added to the update notes?