wireguard floating rules interface not present

Started by defaultuserfoo, May 28, 2024, 12:42:22 AM

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I have set up a wireguard peer and assigned an interface to the connection.  Now I want to create a floating firewall rule to allow the remote peer on the wireguard interface to access hosts on a local subnet.  In this case, the peer is a single host.

But OPNsense doesn't allow me to pick the wireguard interface but only the wireguard group for creating floating rules :(

Since there will be some site-to-site connections as well that will also be hidden in the wireguard group, I can't use the wireguard group in the floating rules.  I need the particular interfaces that are hiding in the wirguard group.  The rules for all the wireguard conections will be different.

How do I get the wirguard interface usable to create floating firewall rules?

Sorry, it was all my fault: I failed to enable the interface after assigning it.  After enabling it, it now shows up :)