URL Tables IP not populating

Started by MrLee, March 21, 2024, 04:31:40 AM

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I have 2 identical OPNSense firewalls running on 2 different circuits.
One on a Comcast Circuit  OPNsense 24.1.3-amd64
One on a Verizon Circuit. OPNsense 24.1.4-amd64

I have matched the IP URL Table aliases on each router.

apart from the wan/lan ip addresses and default for each device, they should be identical.

the comcast URL Table (IPs) seem to update regularly.
the Verizon one has never updated and has 0 entries for all of them.

any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. 
is there a way to troubleshoot this?

the verizon device works perfectly as a router, but I need the IP Tables for my firewall rules

I figured out the issue so I figured I'd post the fix.

it appears that IPv6 was trying to do all my DNS requests from the firewall.
the Comcast circuit apparently handles this while the verizon one does not.

after disabling IPv6 on the device, DNS started resolving my aliases and downloading content.

I followed the instructions here to disable IPv6