[SOLVED] Sophos SG135 Rev3 poor performance

Started by s4n, February 22, 2024, 07:41:02 PM

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February 22, 2024, 07:41:02 PM Last Edit: February 26, 2024, 10:21:52 PM by s4n
Hi guys,

this is my first try wtih OPNsense, before I used Fortigate and Barracuda. I got a Sophos SG135 Rev3 appliance but Line speed is 300/50MBit. Cable connection with bridged modem/router.
WAN throughput with OPNsense is nearly scratching 100MBit/s down 50 MBit/s up

Internal speed from VLAN to VLAN nearly the same.
also removed LAGG configuration to test but result is the same.

When doing a speedtests or copy jobst the CPU runs up to 98% - don't think that this is any good.
For now I don't have any service but Unbound and mDNSresponder.
AV are IPS disabled. no proxy configuration.

Anyone else expriencing these issues?


So problem has been solved.
I got another appliance for the weekend which was installed from scratch - no backup.
the performance was incredible.

so I configured my "old" appliance also from scratch --> Tada! everything works as expected.

for me it seems that the backup file was not in a good shape or during import something weird happened.
so far so good.