Captive Portal Command Line Guide Documentaion

Started by wifimasters, September 29, 2016, 03:45:52 PM

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Hello Dev,

Is there a command line guide or documentation for the captive portal. Would great to troubleshoot from the back end. Hit me back.


Hi wifimasters.

The most important information is in our docs
To get a full list of supported configd commands for CP, you can try this on the command line:

configctl configd actions list | grep captive

For more detailed use, you have to dig into the code, but the provided gui functions will deliver the same output as the configd calls using the api underneath.

Best regards,


Thanks Ad!

Will try once I get my ALIX 2D13 is fixed.

I was updating the BIOS and the a sudden power outage, tried to boot and start over again and now all i see is an empty screen. Tried all the baud rates but nothing happens.

I hope some experts here can help me.
