Proxmox and OPNSense Web Gui not accessible by wan

Started by Spamkillerbill, November 11, 2023, 08:42:04 PM

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I have three network devices set up on proxmox.

In Opnsense, I set those up.

I cannot access the wan gui from the wan (, its temporary until I move it to a colo). I turned off block private networks and  block bogon networks)

When on the OPN VM, I can ping out to the wan, a vm on the lan, and the OPT1 ( networks.

I create a rules for the extern access.

From the outside (on the WAN and OPT1 networks), I cannot access or even ping or

I know it must be something simple that I am missing. Yes, I did try turning off the firewall.

Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong?

November 12, 2023, 11:37:23 AM #1 Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 11:40:32 AM by LEON007
I am facing the same issue for last few hours, finally I have the solution. you need to do 3 things

  • Go to Interfaces > [WAN] deselect "Block private networks"
  • Go to Firewall > Rules > WAN and create a new rule using below parameter save then apply.

  • Action : Pass
  • Interface : WAN
  • Direction : In
  • TCP/IP Version: IPv4
  • Protocol: any
  • Source: WAN net
  • Destination: any
  • Destination port range: any
  • Gateway: default
  • repeate this for IPv6

      3. Go to Firewall > Settings > Advanced and tick "Disable reply-to (Disable reply-to on WAN rules)"
      4. Reboot (Very Important)