Did the last update break HAProxy

Started by tre4bax, July 24, 2023, 04:04:08 PM

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Pre router death HAProxy was working really well.

Having now got everything back on line, HAProxy does not work for any server that does anything with Rules etc.   The basic ones work normally but not that.

During the process of importing the confing opnsense made me upgrade to the latest version.  Although the config looks good and checks through fine things keep failing.

I went through and disabled all the servers that were not working.  I am now adding them in one by one, but am not winning.  I exported the haconfig and found this.

These feels like it should not be there and I wondered if because the config was imported new it has generated new acls and there is a mixture of old and new in there?  Not sure if that makes sense though or even really what those acls might be!