Need help troubleshoot rsync transfer

Started by pankaj, April 01, 2023, 04:12:23 AM

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On my home network I run OPNSense with VLANs and there are no untagged ports on the firewall appliance. A friend of mine runs an IT company and has given me access to his LAN via a Fortinet client so that I can backup my stuff on his LAN.

After connecting to Fortinet client when I check for speed, I get 940 Mbps. But when I try to rsync files with
following command:

rsync -avz --progress <src> <dest>

I only get 6 Mbps for upload and 4Mbps for downloads.

My computer is running on nvme card and at the other end the backup end point is a Qnap NAS.

Is there a way to figure out why the speeds are so slow and if there is a way to speed things up?

rsync uses ssh for transport which has large overhead and mostly no buffering (i.e. it is Not suitable for Streaming).

You could use native rsync via rsync:// and an rsync Server.
Intel N100, 4 x I226-V, 16 GByte, 256 GByte NVME, ZTE F6005

1100 down / 440 up, Bufferbloat A+