Sounds like you're trying to block someone on the internet from accessing your LAN, is that the case?
... unless you have an open port to your HA. Do you? If so, why???
Do you have other open ports on your WAN?
Why not just use your own VPN?
NAT rules are always processed before filter rules! So for example, if you define a NAT : port forwarding rules without a associated rule, i.e. Filter rule association set to Pass, this has the consequence, that no other rules will apply!
To access Home Assistant via OpenVPN, I first have to connect via the VPN. I am using OpenVPN for Android on my cell phone to do that and it takes over a minute and a half to establish the connection.To access Home Assistant via the Cloudflare tunnel, the connection is made in about 2 seconds.Regardless, the issue I am trying to overcome is that I want to be able to use OPNsense to block the IP address that Home Assistant says tried to connect. This isn't the first time I've seen it, or other addresses, try to connect in; so finding a way to block them is really my goal.
I'm not exactly sure why OPNsense can't block this, but I suspect it is because there is a direct tunnel through to my Home Assistant device and perhaps as such OPNsense isn't actually seeing the IP address itself.
To access Home Assistant via OpenVPN, I first have to connect via the VPN. I am using OpenVPN for Android on my cell phone to do that and it takes over a minute and a half to establish the connection.To access Home Assistant via the Cloudflare tunnel, the connection is made in about 2 seconds.
3:26 p.m. TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)3:26 p.m. TLS Error: TLS handshake failed