Default route lost

Started by patman, February 12, 2023, 09:42:24 AM

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After upgrading form 22.7.11 to OPNsense 23.1_6-amd64 I run into the issue that (almost) each morning after turning off my cable internet modem over night my default route is gone and not reestablished. Restarting the gateway service does not help, deactivating and reactivating the default gateway does.
I verified that the configuration did not change and it is consistent with the previous. If I turn of the link just for a short time, it works.
Has anyone ideas, that would be very kind!


Quote from: cayenne on February 12, 2023, 10:14:20 AM
I have the same problem but only on the IPv6 gateway :
Thanks for the hint, but I'm not sure my issue is the same. For me everything is working fine until the WAN (IPv4) connection goes down (cable modem is powered off) for more than a few minutes. (Need to figure out how long it takes roughly) Then my default route is removed and does not come back until I disable/enable the gateway.