OpenVPN P2P Traffic only One Way

Started by gbitglenn, January 03, 2023, 04:29:50 AM

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Although being somewhat experienced in setting up P2P OpenVPN on OPNSense for some reason this time I can only get traffic 1-way. It's been a while since I've done this so I've probably missed something.

Meaning, Site A LAN cannot reach Site B's LAN, even though Site B's LAN CAN reach Site A's LAN.

The OpenVPN firewall rules are set up the same on both sites: IPv4* Allow everything from everything to everything.

Protocol    Source    Port    Destination Port   Gateway
IPv4 *    *    *    *    *    

OpenVPN Server Settings: (Site A)

Tunnel Net:
Local Net:
Remote Net:

OpenVPN Client Settings: (Site B)

Tunnel Net:
Remote Net:

There are no LAN rules on the Site B OPNSense other than the default LAN4/6 to Any.

I've been having the exact same issues.
I never had much issues getting OpenVPN to work with a passphrase configuration in the past, but as soon as I moved to a certificate-based tunnel I've been having the issues you've described, despite apparently having the correct firewall rules and routes configured. Traffic only flows properly one way.
On the reverse direction, Site B seems to be unable to exit the tunnel back to the LAN.

Have you ever figured out what was wrong in your case? Perhaps that would help me...