English Forums > Web Proxy Filtering and Caching

Webproxy per Interface or Host


i currently try to establish another layer of security by webproxy filtering.
But on my opnsense installation i have diverend usecases which sites are allowed or not.

Especually my Linux-Servers should get access to *.debian.org, the windows-server should get access to *.microsoft.com

But i didn't found any way to make rules per host or subnet or interface.

Can anybody give me a short advices how to realize that use-case?

I don't want to have an outbound "any" connection from my servers... they should only receiver their repos. And as Benefit a could enable the caching functionality.

thanks for your help!

Try to make a custom.conf in the pre-auth folder, but it seems that the wildcard didn't work.

If i use .debian.org i only can access www.debian.org and not more. Whats wrong there?

Also i can't get the UT1 Rules up and Running, looks really buggy (update script).

--- Code: ---#acls
acl repository dstdomain debian.org

## debian server ##
acl debian src

http_access allow debian repository
http_access deny debian all
--- End code ---

Thanks for help


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