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Health check: py37-markupsafe -> missing dependency python37



if I run a health check on my OPNsense (latest version 22.7.4) I get the following warning messages:

--- Code: ---py37-markupsafe has a missing dependency: python37
py37-markupsafe has a missing dependency: py37-setuptools
py37-markupsafe is missing a required shared library:
--- End code ---

Wondering how to fix this? Do I have to SSH into the machine and manually delete this 'py37-markupsafe'?

Don't remember to install this in the past, but this OPNsense was upgraded since some years now, so it might be a peace of code from some older OPNsense versions?

Thanks for clarification & all the best,

look here

Tank you @ bringha :)

It can be as simple as this:

--- Code: ---pkg remove py37-markupsafe
--- End code ---

Which makes me wonder a bit though: Wouldn't it make sense that this just happens automatically in one of the upcoming updates/upgrades?

After all, there doesn't seem to be any negative impact, since a newer Python version (Python 3.9.13) is in use by now?

Thanks & greetings

The initial bug triggering this is in the FreeBSD package manager when the "MarkupSafe" package was renamed to "markupsafe". Apparently it did not set automatic flag when reinstalling the automatic package making it "stick" in the install.

Most of this is package manager territory and behaviour and the time to script a "solution" has long passed as this was an issue in 2020...



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