CPU temperature alert

Started by ddt3, August 14, 2022, 02:31:22 PM

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I have just bought new hardware to run OPNsense on. Because of what I have read on the internet. I woiuld like to keep a close eye on the  CPU temperature  of this mini-pc.

I can of course have a look at the cpu temp in my OPNSense dashboard or at the graphs in Reporting. But I would rather have some kind of alert when the temperature rises above a certain value.
So therefor I would like to know:

  • Can the CPU temperature(s) be retrieved using snmp?
    I did an SNMP walk but found nothing, the OIDs I found using google also did nothing.
  • I could also use an alert in monit for CPU temperature
    I did find some description in the monit documentation so I created a script that returns the cpu temperature.and then found an example how to use that in monit.
    # set the trigger temperature
    check program CPU-Temp with path "/usr/local/etc/scripts/cputemp.sh"
        if status > 62 then alert

    But I can't figure out how to add that to monit using the OPNsense UI.

Feel a bit silly for not finding that but monit is running a  temperature check  now :-)