New Book: OPNsense Beginner to Professional

Started by andrewoliv, June 30, 2022, 10:32:23 AM

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Got this book from Apple iBooks about a week ago. Its an amazing resource and has become my goto source for anything OPNsource related.

Highly suggest it

Julio Cesar Bueno de Camargo

Thanks for posting this, I'm in the process of switching from pfSense to OPNsense and would like a comprehensive manual to work through. There's tons of information in regards to pfSense, but have to dig a bit more to find info for OPNsense.

I've gone through it and it's pretty clearly targeted at beginners, as you'd expect from the title. Most of the content consists of walkthroughs of the installation and configuration that add a little detail to what's already in the documentation. A lot of the "learn more" references are to FreeBSD man pages, which seems a little bizarre to me because those are not beginner-friendly at all IMO. What it most definitely is not is a comprehensive manual.

The chapters on the CLI and API are really good, though. I've got a lot of experience and those had some valuable information.

I would say that the ebook is probably worth the price (~= 30USD) for a beginner. But an experienced person is not going to get that much out of it. I think that the $45 for the paperback is too steep regardless of your background.

Thank you guys! I tried my best to fit within 400+ pages the relevant content for OPNsense users. Actually, the original title wasn't so comprehensive as "beginners to professionals," but it is necessary to mind the publisher's demands (especially marketing ones).  ;)
Cloudfence Open Source Team