[SOLVED] os-ddclient with No-Ip not finding an IP

Started by mircsicz, June 22, 2022, 04:11:54 PM

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June 22, 2022, 04:11:54 PM Last Edit: June 23, 2022, 12:06:52 AM by mircsicz
Hi all,

os-dyndns stopped to work for me when I was using No-Ip Group Passwd's. So I had to revert to my Master Passwd for all machines using that account a while ago. That is why I was happy to read the os-ddclient is gonna replace os-dyndns!

Now that we're about to transition to 22.7 I looked into migration my setup's to os-ddclient but am facing some issue's with ddlcient:

I've already read this thread and also this thread

with my setup I see the followong in the logs:

2022-06-22T15:59:41 Notice ddclient[98565] 93904 - [meta sequenceId="7"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-06-22T15:59:35 Notice ddclient[52758] 73674 - [meta sequenceId="6"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-06-22T15:59:10 Notice ddclient[771] 37236 - [meta sequenceId="5"] WARNING: unable to determine IP address
2022-06-22T15:59:10 Notice ddclient[771] 35027 - [meta sequenceId="4"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-06-22T15:59:07 Notice ddclient[98070] 17061 - [meta sequenceId="3"] WARNING: unable to determine IP address
2022-06-22T15:59:07 Notice ddclient[98070] 16274 - [meta sequenceId="2"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address
2022-06-22T15:59:00 Notice ddclient[95522] 19804 - [meta sequenceId="1"] WARNING: found neither ipv4 nor ipv6 address

So far I've tried the following "Check ip method's"

  • noip-ipv4
  • interface

But the log doesn't change...

This is what my ddclient.conf looks like:

syslog=yes                  # log update msgs to syslog
pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid   # record PID in file.

use=cmd, cmd="/usr/local/opnsense/scripts/ddclient/checkip -i pppoe0 -t 1 -s noip-ipv4",
protocol=noip, \
login=MYUSER, \
password=MYPASSWD \

I'm hoping one of you spot's the missing link...

I've also read this hint and tried to run it from ssh like this:

# sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet

I've had good luck with using the 'web' method of checking IP.  As a test, comment out the below line in your ddclient.conf file:

use=cmd, cmd="/usr/local/opnsense/scripts/ddclient/checkip -i pppoe0 -t 1 -s noip-ipv4",

and insert these:

use=if, if=igb0
use=web, web=freemyip.com/checkip

Note: igb0 is my WAN connection, if yours is different you will need to adjust.

June 22, 2022, 11:07:16 PM #2 Last Edit: June 23, 2022, 12:04:43 AM by mircsicz
Thx for the hint, but that method seems to be unavailable when using the webinterface to configure ddclient...

I've now checked the source code of /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/ddclient/checkip and found this list inside:

service_list = {
  'dyndns': '%s://checkip.dyndns.org/',
  'freedns': '%s://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/check.php',
  'googledomains': '%s://domains.google.com/checkip',
  'he': '%s://checkip.dns.he.net/',
  'ip4only.me': '%s://ip4only.me/api/',
  'ip6only.me': '%s://ip6only.me/api/',
  'ipify-ipv4': '%s://api.ipify.org/',
  'ipify-ipv6': '%s://api6.ipify.org/',
  'loopia': '%s://dns.loopia.se/checkip/checkip.php',
  'myonlineportal': '%s://myonlineportal.net/checkip',
  'noip-ipv4': '%s://ip1.dynupdate.no-ip.com/',
  'noip-ipv6': '%s://ip1.dynupdate6.no-ip.com/',
  'nsupdate.info-ipv4': '%s://ipv4.nsupdate.info/myip',
  'nsupdate.info-ipv6': '%s://ipv6.nsupdate.info/myip',
  'zoneedit': '%s://dynamic.zoneedit.com/checkip.html'

after checking some of these I checked googledomains and that seems to work so far:

2022-06-22T23:48:17 Notice ddclient[771] 381 - [meta sequenceId="32"] SUCCESS: foo.ddns.me: skipped: IP address was already set to 185.xxx.xx.xx.
2022-06-22T23:48:10 Notice ddclient[98070] 96230 - [meta sequenceId="31"] WARNING: updating bar.dynns.com: nochg: No update required; unnecessary attempts to change to the current address are considered abusive

I also realized that when switching back to "noip-ipv4" it breaks again...

@franco: as an EBI you might consider adding a hint to the list of offered services that most of those are just webservices like whatismyip.com... Because I first expected it to be specific for my above choosen Provider like noIP...

True. You have to edit the ddclient.conf file directly.

I use SPdyn, DDNS and goip, all three not supported in a few days by OPNsense. What to do about that?
kind regards
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Quote from: chemlud on June 23, 2022, 08:43:46 AM
I use SPdyn, DDNS and goip, all three not supported in a few days by OPNsense. What to do about that?

Just use the "Custom" service for goip. I use it as well and it works without a problem. See attached screenshot.

Thank you for the solution, setting service to custom fixed my dynamic dns with no ip. :)

The same for me: DuckDNS is working while No-IP was not.
Switched to custom and now is everything ok:

Protocol: DynDns2
Server: dynupdate.no-ip.com
Username: <My No-IP Username>
Password: <My No-IP Password>
Wildcard: NOT Checked
Hostname: <The hostname i want to update>
Check IP Method: Interface
Check IP Timeout: 10
Interface to Monitor: <FTTH PPPoE Interface, in my case>