Sensei PlugIns Disappear?

Started by andrewoliv, May 27, 2022, 09:42:39 PM

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Whenever is install the Sensei repository PlugIn it orphans all of my other PlugIns. The sensei plug in never appears. I have to delete the Sensei PlugIn and then the other plugins return to normal.

Anyone else have this problem?

May 30, 2022, 05:22:38 PM #1 Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 05:28:58 PM by LOTRouter
I am seeing the same problem running on OPNsense 22.1.8_1 after installing os-sunnyvalley, all Plugins show (orphaned) and only installed Plugins show up, so cannot install anything until I remove os-sunnyvalley, which makes it impossible to install Sensei.
Topton 4 x i225-v (Core i5-1135G7 * 32GB * 512SSD)
Xfinity Gigabit (1.2G Down * 200M Up)

go to firmware, status then choose check updates and it will resolve that issue, but yes I had the same when I installed Sensei today, it reported all my currrent plugins were orphaned, rechecked for updates resolved the problem

Hmm, looks like FreeBSD package manager refuses to list remote content because it forgets to update itself... I added the following patch that addresses this although it could cause other issues down the road it's the only thing that can make it work...
