NAT Loopback / Reflections not working

Started by ddt3, February 19, 2022, 04:59:44 PM

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February 19, 2022, 04:59:44 PM Last Edit: February 20, 2022, 10:36:16 AM by ddt3
I am quite new to opnsense, moved from clearos to opnsense so on a crash course " how to configure opnsense".
I have configured ha_proxy  to forward to a server on my lan. That works just fine. Now I also would like to use that same " external address"  on my lan clients. That appeared to work, but then I changed the lan ip-address of the webserver (and probably other settings too) and now I can't get it to properly function again.

My network setup is quite simple:

Connecting to my webserver from the internet works (the blue line, so ha_proxy works, even after lan ip change). 
Connecting to my server from the lan does not work (the red line)
I have enabled:

What am I doing wrong?

Diagrams definitively help. It would be useful to explain what happens but I'd start with DNS, does the FQDN get resolved at your clients?

I wanted to show you this  output:
> dig +short

Which triggered me to try a dns record that points to the WAN address of opnsense:
>dig +short

And now it does work. But somehow leaving me more confused: I had tried this already...but hey: it does work :-D

Thanks for your reply!