
Started by dirtyfreebooter, January 20, 2022, 10:39:42 PM

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I see reference in this thread (and also in the German support subforum) around the functionality of os-ddclient vs the (now considered legacy) Dynamic DNS client. As others have mentioned, FreeDNS leverages an access token to allow DNS updates without providing a username/password. This functionality works fine in the legacy client (you just provide the API token in the Password field when selecting FreeDNS as a provider), but if I do the same with os-ddclient I see errors in the logs because the username field is not populated.

Is it expected that this functionality will be coming to os-ddclient, or do I need to look at alternative ways to update for when the legacy client is deprecated?

If user name isn't used by freedns, can you just put any value in there and then see if it works?  Still worth noting of course.
HP T730/AMD  RX-427BB/8GB/500GB SSD

I have been trying to get ddclient to work with google for weeks with no luck.  The old dynamic dns software used to work fine.  To test, I just installed ddclient on a raspberry pi and the first time I ran it all worked perfectly.  So I am still scratching my head about why it is not working in opnsense. 

Same here.
I use the legacy ddclient without issues, using a gateway group for monitoring and update a cloudflare hostname via API token, so when one provider fails the DNS records are updated to the backup provider.

On the new ddclient is no option to monitor a gateway group and putting the API token as a password I get a "login=" is and invalid login error message.

Quote from: FBachofner on April 11, 2022, 02:50:49 AM
It took me a while to figure out the Username issue as various other DynDNS update clientsI have used have treated this a bit differently!

Hopefully this will help future searchers with any challenges using OpnSense with NameCheap dynamic DNS services.


os-ddclient seems to have an issue when NameCheap has the wrong IP address but the OPNSense location has not experienced an IP change.

I rolled out OPNSense to a number of friends and clients based on my (very positive) experience over the past month.

To make rollout quicker, I pulled a backup of installation #1 to each of the other OPNSense locations (making changes to the config as appropriate rather than hand configuring every little thing . . .

In one instance (let's call it "installation X"), I forgot to unplug the router from the WAN and the os-ddclient immediately updated the my NameCheap account with the "correct" IP address to the wrong hostname.

IOW, installation 1 took on the IP address of installation X.

A day or two later when trying to access installation 1 remotely, I was now accessing "installation X" (pretty confusing for the first couple minutes!)

At installation 1, os-ddclient reports
Notice ddclient[61265] 63162 - [meta sequenceId="1"] SUCCESS: my-hostname: skipped: IP address was already set to www.xxx.yyy.zzz

At installation 1, the IP address had not changed . . . but at NC, the IP address was NOT, in fact "already set to" it.

It is, of course, trivial to update NameCheap manually (to "resynchronize" the IP address with the hostname at NameCheap), but os-ddclient should really have a more robust mechanism to check whether the dyndns service reflects the reality of the WAN address one is trying to report!

How does anyone else handle this?

Meanwhile, I guess I will report this at https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/issues


still pre-release, but ddclient on github is starting to see some recent development, as one thing missing from the current release is cloudflare token auth, etc. which that feature in particular has been checked into ddclient git for a couple of years at least...

Quote from: CGrisamore on March 20, 2022, 01:51:27 PM
Adding this to the thread to help out other users of freemyip.com and to inform the developers of the current issue that requires workaround with this dynamic DDS provider.

freemyip.com doesn't require a username and password.  At the time your custom domain is created you are provided a token which is used to refresh your ip address when properly accessed.  freemyip.com supports ddclient and they provide a configuration (below) where you populate the username and password fields with your custom token

# Configuration for freemyip.com

Currently you cannot populate these values through the Opnsense web interface as the token includes an ampersand character and Opnsense restricts entry of an ampersand in the username field (see below)

You must edit the ddclient.conf file directly to enter your token in the two fields after which it works fine.

I don't think this works. At least, there is never a confirmation in the logs that it has connected.

May 18, 2022, 11:55:49 PM #232 Last Edit: May 19, 2022, 03:39:39 AM by bunchofreeds
Has anyone had a chance to test the latest version of ddclient

from at least 3.10.0rc1

I'm wondering if it works with an API key with Cloudflare now
Changelog says yes - https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient/blob/develop/ChangeLog.md

I'm using noip.com and I ran into the same issue and I changed the cmd line in /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf

syslog=yes                  # log update msgs to syslog
pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid   # record PID in file.

# re0 is the Inet interface
use=cmd, cmd="/usr/local/opnsense/scripts/ddclient/checkip -i re0 -t 0 -s noip-ipv4",
protocol=noip, \
login=nom@example.com, \
password=NunAYurBusiness \

Once I switched it from -t 1 to -t 0 it started working.

Can someone post an example for custom /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf for godaddy.com?

Thanks in advance.

June 02, 2022, 11:50:29 AM #235 Last Edit: June 02, 2022, 11:53:09 AM by Layer8
Quote from: bunchofreeds on May 18, 2022, 11:55:49 PM
Has anyone had a chance to test the latest version of ddclient

from at least 3.10.0rc1

I'm wondering if it works with an API key with Cloudflare now
Changelog says yes - https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient/blob/develop/ChangeLog.md

ddclient v 3.10.0 final is out since 2022-05-15 and supports Cloudflare API tokens.

Will CF API tokens be supported in the WebUI till opnsense 20.7 is out?

Yes i know, legacy plugins will further work on existing setups, but old dyndns plugin will not be installable on new setups once 20.7 is released?!

How can I add an IPv6 entry for Hurricane Electric (Service: HE.net)?
In the old Dynamic DNS client is a service type HE.net for IPv4 and a Service type HE.net (v6) for IPv6.
Even if I check "Allow IPv6" in the General settings, I can't see something related to IPv6 in the logs.
Best and many thanks for your help

Quote from: abaumann on June 02, 2022, 04:01:25 PM
How can I add an IPv6 entry for Hurricane Electric (Service: HE.net)?
In the old Dynamic DNS client is a service type HE.net for IPv4 and a Service type HE.net (v6) for IPv6.
Even if I check "Allow IPv6" in the General settings, I can't see something related to IPv6 in the logs.
Best and many thanks for your help

I have the same question for Cloudflare ipv6.  Either I can't figure out, or the ddclient has abandoned ipv6 support.

Quote from: Layer8 on June 02, 2022, 11:50:29 AM

ddclient v 3.10.0 final is out since 2022-05-15 and supports Cloudflare API tokens.

Will CF API tokens be supported in the WebUI till opnsense 20.7 is out?

Yes i know, legacy plugins will further work on existing setups, but old dyndns plugin will not be installable on new setups once 20.7 is released?!

The post from Franco below suggests you will be able to install the old dyndns plugin on new setups once 22.7 is officially released.


Quote from: Vesalius on June 02, 2022, 05:19:07 PM
Quote from: Layer8 on June 02, 2022, 11:50:29 AM

ddclient v 3.10.0 final is out since 2022-05-15 and supports Cloudflare API tokens.

Will CF API tokens be supported in the WebUI till opnsense 20.7 is out?

Yes i know, legacy plugins will further work on existing setups, but old dyndns plugin will not be installable on new setups once 20.7 is released?!

The post from Franco below suggests you will be able to install the old dyndns plugin on new setups once 22.7 is officially released.


Actually, the way I read it, you WON'T be able to install it. It just won't deinstall if you already have it.