i would also note, even tho OPNsense seems to not display all the services supported by ddclient 3.9.1, like CloudFlare, ddclient 3.9.1 is itself almost 2 years old and doesn't support things like CloudFlare API tokens.. but that code has been committed to github, there just has not been a 3.9.2 or 3.10.0 released yet..very unclear from ddclient side what their plan is, if any...
I was doubting a bit about responding to the dyndns topic, but after years telling people in issues and pull-requests thatdyndns on our end is really unmaintained and dying of poor code quality, we where hoping a bit someone eventually would start an alternative plugin. To ease the process we made a decision at the end of last year to start phasing out the legacy plugin. We invested quite some time to make sure there is an easy to maintain starting point which uses ddclient and isn't hard to extend within the boundaries of what ddclient has to offer (https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/tree/master/dns/ddclient).Is ddclient perfect? probably not, are there better alternatives available we could consider? maybe. I guess time will tell, for now we just choose the option most others seem to use, partially knowning these suffer from the same type of issues as dyndns on our end (maintanance is problematic if people only care about adding features). From a technical point of view requesting an address and calling an endpoint if it changed isn't very difficult, but as it stands there isn't much drive for companies to invest time and money in this direction I guess.When it turns out another service generally available would be a better fit, it likely is quite easy to replace ddclient in our plugin for something else, as the input is more or less fixed. It just has to be an isolated daemon which doesn't try to entangle with interface code in anyway.Testing inadyn as suggested for example would be quite easy for anyone to try, there is a port package available (https://github.com/opnsense/ports/tree/master/dns/inadyn).When ddclient has development code which does offer support for requested features, it might also help to test their new code and provide feedback.In my humble opinion it won't help to move the unmaintained code somewhere else, in order to really improve the situation there's probably more needed. For the next 6 months the legacy plugin will still be shipped, so there's still time.Best regards,Ad