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DHCP Static Mappings


I'm new to opmsense and setting it up as my local DHCP/DNS server. I want to set static IP to MAC addresses. I have mapped a couple to test. I have found that when I set a static IP address through the web gui it writes to the "host_entries.conf" file. In that file I see the Host_Name and the assigned IP address but I do not see the associated MAC address. Eventually I would like to just edit the correct .conf file and dump my statics in that way.

Am I looking in the correct file (host_entries.conf) ?
if yes, Why are there no MAC addresses listed?
if no, What file should I be looking at?


Patrick M. Hausen:
OPNsense keeps its own XML based configuration file and generates all services' configuration from that.
One does not simply edit config files. Doesn't work, will be overwritten at next reboot.


So is there a way to import my statics from a list, through the web gui or command line, so I don't have to drudgingly enter them one at a time through the web gui ?

Found my answer here



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