Routing LAN->WAN doesn't work

Started by matokarlukas, October 14, 2021, 02:44:41 PM

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Hello, first of all, sorry for my English, i am in troubles. I installed opnsense software, because it looks to be great tool for our network, but i cant set NAT as i want.

In my opnsense network, i have have 3 separated networks 10.1.x.y/16, 10.2.x.y/16, 10.3.x.y/16 and WAN network ABCD. I set roles for all networks, run a Outbound NAT in Hybrid mode. When i add computer to one of LAN networks, i cant access the internet and also i cant ping (OPN LAN) ip adress (Destination Host Unreachable). When i try to nmap, it shows me host is up with good MAC adress (so i know, that this network card is working). When i allow everything in firewall (for LAN network both directions) i also cant ping OPN LAN adress, which i weird. I also tried to add some other LAN and WAN rules, but nothing works.

I saw lot of manuals and topics with the same or similar problem, but i can't find the solution. Can you help me and write som instructions, what i need to do? Thank you for your time and advices.

Hi, can you enable logging for your firewall rules and check if you can see anything in Firewall -> Log files -> Live View?
If there is nothing, please double check your client IP configuration.

hello, yesterday, i fixed this issue, but i am not sure how...i suppose, that only another thing i did is, that in interface settings on my LAN networks i press to +  IPv4 Upstream Gateway and than save the settings