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TUTORIAL Nginx + Let's Encrypt for Plex / Emby / Jellyfin 100% A+ Rating

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--- Quote from: BeNe on December 16, 2021, 07:04:28 pm ---@Seimann
Thanks for your great  tutorial. It's easy to follow and clear to understand with the screenshots.

Could you also explain how to handle more than on target ?

I mean a routing with subdomain for example:
subdomain1.my-domain.tld -> server1
subdomain2.my-domain.tld -> server2

Do i need to create a HTTP Server for every subdomain ?
How can i redirect to a server with the correct SSL Cert ?

Thanks for any hints and tips.


--- End quote ---

Did you ever get multiple subdomains figured out to work with Let's Encrypt for each of the subdomains pointing to a different server in your LAN?


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