English Forums > Web Proxy Filtering and Caching

NGINX not working


Hello dear Community.

I'm noobie with OPNSense and trying to configure Nginx. Unfortunatelly i can't get it working. MY config:

FW GUI Port http/https changed to 8333

- Enable nginx: Checked

Upstream Server
- Description: myserver_server
- Server: 192.168.x.y
- Port: 5433
- Server Priority: 1
- other settings: default

- Description: myserver_upstream
- Server Entries: myserver_server
- other settings: default

HTTP(S): Location
- Description: myserver_location
- URL Pattern: /
- Match Type: None
- Upstream Servers: myserver_upstream
- other settings: default

HTTP Server
- HTTP Listen Port: 80
- HTTPS Listen Port: 443
- Server Name: mysite.mydomain.com
- Location: myserver_location
- TLS Certificate: mysite.mydomain.com (ACME Client)
- other settings: default

I also have setup a firewall rule to allow WAN traffic port  80 and 443 from any source to “this firewall”

Logging shows that the https request from the internet to https://mysite.mydomain.com/ is passed, however nginx does not show anything in the HTTP(s) logs

Error MSG:

Server Error
Sorry, but something went wrong on our side.
There is nothing you can do except waiting until we fix the issue.
Web Application Protection by OPNsense

I'll appreciate any help.

Thank You.

The config looks right so there might be a problem that you did not reload your config.

Otherwise there might be something in the error log.


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